Thursday, March 8, 2012

Stuff About Me - A Meme

I've been tagged by fellow Blogger Cat, who blogs "Letters to Georgia"... I don't usually fall for these, BUT I find this intriguing.

It's not just a matter of answering 25 pre-set questions that started x amount of years ago in a land far, far away.

Here are the rules:

You must post the rules
Answer the 11 questions that the tagger posted for you
Create 11 questions to ask the people you’ve tagged
Tag 11 people and link them in your post
Let them know you have tagged them

So here are the questions that were asked of me:

1. What is your strongest belief - something you are so passionate about you can argue your point with anyone?

Over time, I have become such a lover of life, such an optimist and positive person. I don't know why, I don't know how, but I so believe that we are capable and responsible for our own lives. To see people waste opportunities, or live a negative life that affects others is something I just refuse to surround myself with.
I will argue with anyone, that life is far too short to dwell on things, or stress over things we simply have no control of.

2. What qualities do you hold that makes you a good friend?

I find this question so hard, because sometimes I sit there and think to myself that if I wasn't me, I probably wouldn't be friends with me. I am a little complex, but I think I am a good, loyal person with integrity and generosity. I often tell things how it is, yet say it in a way where people can appreciate the honesty. People in my life know that if they ask me a question, I will answer it with my answer, not with what I think they want to hear.

3. If you could live in a television show, which show & which character would you play?

Bewitched - who wouldn't want to be Samantha and have the ability to have everything done with the twitch of her nose?!

4. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? (doesn't have to be physically)

My ability to allow myself to get so emotionally involved in everything. I wish I didn't care so much ALL THE TIME.

5. What is your current personal life goal?

I am in the midst of starting a business, my goal is to see that blossom into something that will allow me to start a new career.

6. Where would you like to go on your next holiday?

I would LOVE to go to Hawaii, but realistically I think our next holiday (if we get one!) will be to Thailand. And I love it there so I am not complaining whatsoever.

7. The old faithful - dead or alive - 4 people that you will invite to your fantasy dinner party?

- My Nanna
- My Poppa (both passed when I saw quite young)

- Dr. Karl (my husband is obsessed with him and the stories I hear are pretty cool... I could spend all night asking him random stupid things that I've left stored in my head for years)
- Ryan Gosling. He wouldn't even need to speak. He could just sit there with his arms crossed and I'd be just as happy.

8. A song that always reminds you of something, and what or who and why?

Cyndi Lauper (Time After Time): This song for some reason feels like the soundtrack to my childhood. Everytime I hear it I remember these little shoes with cutouts and playing on the playground. I often hear it and will just lay there and the smells come back to me... music really can be a beautiful thing.

9. Tell me your typical Sunday

Sunday is usually the only day that my husband is home, so it's usually spent catching up on things like gardening/cleaning, catching up with family, etc. There really is no 'typical' Sunday in our house, but we really try to stay together as a family that day as we really don't get a lot of time to spend together.

10. Post the 11th photo on your phone and tell me about it

It's a photo of a block of chocolate I spotted whilst out with a girlfriend last night for dinner. It's called a 'Marital Bliss Bar' LOL!!

11. What was the last movie you watched?

Yesterday I saw "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close". It's a great movie about Sept. 11 and the impact from a child's perspective when he loses his dad. If you're going to see it, it's fantastic, but take tissues.

12. What is your idea of a dream date?

Anything with my husband, where cost wasn't a factor.
Then again, even a kid-free night at home seems pretty awesome too (but cut off the internet)

Cat, you broke the rules and asked 12 questions! But I forgive you xx

And in return, and for my tagged friends, here are my questions:

1. If you could go back to ANY year of your life to relive (and not change), which year would that be and why?
2. What characteristics do you look for in potential friends?
3. What do you wear when you're at home, slumbering on the couch?
4. What was your last blog entry? What was it about?
5. Did you grow up KNOWING what you were going to name your children? Did you end up naming your children something different?
6. Tell us something about you, something we wouldn't necessarily know about you if you didn't come right out and say so.
7. What do you believe to be your greatest strength?
8. Are you a morning person, or a night owl?
9. What/Who are your inspirations in life?
10. What is the best piece of advice you've been given?
11. What's your favourite ice-cream flavour?

And those that I tag:

Cherie @ AbabycalledMax
Jess @ CoCoandArchie
Liza @ Lifewith3under3
Nicole @ TheMillionRambles
Jodie @ PaleTooth