Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I'm Turning my Flab to Fab

When I was growing up, I was thin. Not super skinny, but just thin enough. Back then I thought I was fat, and I look back at those photos and just want to scream at myself for thinking it.

Here I am, 30-years old and I am not thin. I'm not fat either, but I am not happy with how I look. My skin wobbles. I am covered in stretch marks and cellulite, and my skin may as well glow-in-the-dark.

About 5-weeks ago, I had enough. I was sick and tired of feeling like a victim, of making excuses for myself and I made the decision to take responsibility for how I look, and change my habits. I needed something drastic, because I am a quitter. If something gets too hard, or I don't get results, I quit. It's all too hard and it's just far easier to revert back to what I was doing... even though it wasn't making me happy.

5-weeks ago, I reluctantly decided to join the Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation. I'm being 100% honest here when I say I was reluctant, but mostly at my own commitment. I was so apprehensive about it all, and the intensity really turned me off (leading up to the start of the 12-weeks there were videos and 'homework' that I just felt was far too strong for someone like me). I admit, I haven't done my homework. I also haven't done the fitness test. And while I am at it, I may as well admit that I haven't been keeping to my meal plan. BUT! I have been keeping to my daily calorie allowance, and my workouts... and I have never felt better.

My "Before" Picture - 3 weeks ago (Ryder quietly playing in the background)

Me "Now" - Progress Shot

I am *starting* to feel good about myself. I am starting to look like a 'fit' person. I am enjoying my workouts, and I am enjoying knowing what it is that I am putting into my body.

I have set myself a goal weight that means my goal is to lose 10kgs. I am halfway there (just a tad over after today's weigh-in), and a quarter of my way through my 12-weeks. I don't really know what I want to weigh, but I know that I want to feel great and look great... I want to look as great as I looked when I first met my husband.

I was never going to make my 'Before' pictures public - I feel as if I was at a pretty low point, and not happy with myself. BUT I am hoping that these images (and REAL images at that) show people that changes, even the small ones, can give results. By sharing my 'before' picture, it will also motivate me to keep on going and not fail.

My "Before" Picture - 3 weeks ago (Ryder quietly playing in the background)

Me "Now" - Progress Shot

I've become a gym junkie again - I am at the gym doing a class every day (Sunday = Rest Day) ranging from BodyPump and BodyCombat to BodyAttack (which saw me dislocate my pinky finger... tres embarrassing!).

But the best thing of all is that I am feeling good about making these changes to my body. Part of me feels as if I am finding myself again, amidst raising children, being a wife, etc. I feel 'me' again, and I feel happy.

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