Friday, June 1, 2012

Learning to say 'Thank You'

I have NO idea how to take a compliment. It's probably one of the only times I am lost for words.

I want to be grateful, yet not come across as if I am up myself. But I struggle to find the right way to voice my gratitude. So I get all awkward, clammy and inferior. And deflated.

I have had a few encounters recently where I've done exactly that. And it doesn't help when the compliments I have received have come from people I'd never expect, for things I never thought I was good at.

It also doesn't help that I am an overthinker, so I always have a million thoughts and a million scenarios going on in my head before I respond. The awkwardness is usually created from the long pause by said overthinking. And thankfully noone hears those thoughts.

It has got me thinking about my own self perception, and the lack of credit I give myself for things I am passionate about, or maybe even good at. I am realising that I am like most mothers/women out there and I underestimate my own self worth.

I was brought up to be humble. To not 'toot my own horn' (which I do as a joke to my friends), or to carry on as if I was anyone special. And whilst I think it is a great way to be brought up (to a certain extent), at the same time I have grown up with very little self esteem as a result.

I am unable to take a compliment, and I am unable to take risks in fear of failure or rejection.
And I plan to change that.

For now, I am simply learning to say 'Thank You' when people are telling me nice things. Because I am grateful, and I am proud. And I love that people think I am doing a good enough job at something to warrant a compliment. Because for the first time in my life, I LOVE what I am doing.

I have found my calling.
And if that makes people happy, then I know that I am onto something amazing.

So to all my lovely friends, and to all those great people out there.... Thank You.

*giggles and runs away*

1 comment:

  1. I feel you on that one Meg, I also find it hard to know how to respond to compliments. So nice to hear you've found your calling :) Love the *giggles and runs away*- Lauren


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