Friday, August 31, 2012

Turning 30 really isn't so bad...

A month ago yesterday, I entered my 30's.

I left my 20's behind and waved goodbye to a decade of drama. I also said goodbye to a decade I became a lot of things... A wife (twice). A mother, a single mother, and then a mother of two. A business owner. Someone who knew what they wanted to be. So many things that I look back on and am so glad happened, because as cliché as it is, it has made me who I am now, at 30.

And 30 really isn't that bad.

I have been one of the very few people that I know of, that have been excited about turning 30. I've wanted to be 30, to be a 'grown up'... without realising that nothing would actually change and I have been a grown up the whole time.

I celebrated the occasion the only way I knew how... with my closest friends, French style. I wanted something a bit over-the-top, seeing as it wasn't just another birthday. To me, this was a celebration of my whole 30-years thus far, not just reaching a milestone or clocking over another number. This was about embracing a great chapter in my life. A new chapter... and being surrounded by those I love, in a setting that is so 'me' was the only way I wanted to do it.

So I had a French Themed High Tea, at one of my very favourite little cafes. I booked the whole place out and filled it with great people. And a 6ft Eiffel Tower made purely of balloons.

It was perfect.

I had a photobooth, with a lot of little French props. And a mime. Yes, a MIME. She was hilarious with a touch of awkward. But she added an element of laughter that wouldn't have been created without her...

My darling friend Rachael and I. I have known Rachael since I was about 7-years old... 23-years of friendship. We grew up a few houses down from each other, and we have this amazing friendship that has no drama... we can pick up the phone no matter how long it has been and talk as if no time has passed. One of those amazing, loyal friends that I will carry dear to me for life.

My baby sister, and my only sister Jodie. Who looks nothing like me, yet so much like me at the same time. It purely depends on whatever hair colour we have at the time. There's so much about her that I am envious of and she doesn't even know...

She will probably kill me for using this photo, but I do love it. Nicole is a friend I met online years ago. Got off to a bit of a rocky start, but we have a solid, mature friendship that has gone the distance... literally! Nicole lives in QLD and flew down to little old SA just to celebrate my birthday with me

Imogen and Alicia have been my bridesmaids, in two separate weddings - as they so eloquently mentioned in their speech. They're mental, funny, classy (most of the time) and skinny... I feel like an old elephant around them. But I love them both, dearly. And I know that if I ever need a night out, tagging along with them means I have fun.

This is me, infront of the HUGE Eiffel Tower structure.

My AMAZING cake, made by my super talented Aunty, who has made all the family birthday cakes... and wedding cakes.

More random photos from the day:

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