Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Son, The Superhero

My son is a superhero. He has gone from an average, every-day 6-year old boy, to a boy with superpowers in the last 5 months. True Story.

He was a boy that couldn't see very well + had such bad hearing. I'm surprised he had developed as well as he did, and learnt as good as he did before his transformation into a superhero.

For those that aren't aware, my son Logan has Sensory Processing Disorder. It is a challenge for us as parents, but it is nothing in comparison to his own frustrations. It's a juggle, it's a learning curve for everyone involved. Especially me who lacks patience and has a strong need for quiet time.

Towards the end of last year/beginning of this year, we decided to look into his senses in conjunction with his diagnosis of SPD. We knew there were some slight issues, but we had no real idea of the full scale until we had it investigated further. And we found he had trouble.

His eye sight: Long-sighted + Short-sighted. And 2 lazy eyes. Glasses prescribed.
And he looks gorgeous in them, if I do say so myself.

Then it was his hearing. Approximately 30% loss due to a lot of fluid, at first diagnosis (turned out to be more in the end once everything was opened up).

And sleep apnea: snoring, no quality of sleep. Insert a tired boy who already has issues concentrating + focussing, to it also being combined with a lack of that real sleep. The sleep that growing boys need.

A few short weeks ago, Logan had his first ever operation, albeit a small one. He had grommets put in and had his adenoids removed. I don't think I really knew what was involved or knew what to expect from it. Especially when I *wanted* to be present when they put him under the general anaesthetic. I don't regret it now, but it was an experience I don't think I'd like to witness again. It wasn't pretty. But he had his little Superman with him, and we promised him that he would get super-hearing to match with his super-sight.

He was a trooper. He made mummy so proud with his bravery.

He woke up (a few times), minimal tears... and then he ate. And ate. And slept.
We came home and he slept some more.

The best thing? After a while, he couldn't sleep. Because the darn clock, the same clock that had been in his bedroom for the past 3-years, was ticking far too loud for his new super-hearing. And the toilet flushed far too loud. And he laughed, because he had super hearing. He was hearing things he hadn't heard his whole life.

And his sleeping? Well he still snores a little, but hubby and I aren't having to increase the volume on the TV when he gets going. Not only that, but the quality of sleep is better, he's waking refreshed and ready-to-rumble.

My son is a superhero now. He can see + hear the world beyond anything he ever knew.

1 comment:

  1. How is it that I have only now read this!? Oh, wait. perhaps through my own selfishness as of late!? :/

    He is such a little trooper babe, really - he is.

    Much love to you all xxxxx


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