Friday, May 25, 2012

Are you a Thinker or a Doer?

According to Home Hardware, there are 2 types of people in this world: Thinkers and Doers.

For those that don't know, it's an advertisement which consists of a conversation between an animated dog and cat for a local hardware company. It's not something I normally pay attention to, but I have been home sick for the past 2 days whilst both children have either been at school or day care. I've become reacquainted with Daytime TV.

Sorry Home Hardware, I disagree.

You see, I am both. I think, and then I do. I am both a thinker and a doer.
And the problems associated with that is I juggle. A lot.
I manage it all somehow, but it means a lot of lists, a lot of zoning out, and most of all organisation. Maybe a little bit of forgetfulness and thus, a little bit of forgiving.

Part of my problem with being the thinker AND the doer, is that I almost force myself into it. Accidentally.
Because I cannot keep my stupid mouth shut.

I get all these great ideas, and in my head I think to myself "lets see how it goes, work it out later", and almost by some kind of word-vomit, I blurt it out to the next person I see. It then means I HAVE to do it, for fear of not following through with an idea or a plan.

Instead of thinking "how cool would that be?!", instead it's "guess what I'm doing!"
ARGH! I'd really like to step outside my body and slap myself upside the head sometimes!

I aim to please, and hate to disappoint FAR too much.

But because of this 'weakness' I have found a hidden strength. I can push myself, and work far harder than I thought I could. I can achieve what I set out to and as a result, I am achieving a lot in a short space of time.

It was only last week that I celebrated the 3-month birthday of Adelaide Mummy Meetings.
A business that was born on the same day as the idea and concept. A simple case of 'Megs Word Vomit Ideas'... I had a thought, blurted it out, created it... and it boomed. Holy guacamole!

It was never intended that way but considering it did, I couldn't let it fail. I didn't want to be responsible for a flop. Subsequently it's probably been the busiest 3-months of my life, but it's been some of the best too. I've realised my calling. And for that, I couldn't feel more proud.

Being a Thinker and a Doer seems to suit me. But as I run out of time, I may have to shelve some of my thinking until all the doing is done!

Ha! Fat Chance....

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