Thursday, May 3, 2012

I won Lotto (if only!)

I have read in various blog posts today that we had a $50M lotto draw last night. I must have been living under a rock because I had no idea and subsequently went without a ticket.

I could very well be sitting here right now with a cool $50M in the bank. Wouldn't it be nice?!

And of course, because of that, I am now sitting here thinking what I would do with even $500,000 and getting depressed because my bank balance has a DR instead of a CR for the same amount.

Le freaking sigh.

I keep telling myself that once I get older and the debts are paid off, things will be sweet. We would have had all the hard work done in our 'youth' and that our more adult years, and retirement would be Easy Street. But really... knowing me and my inabilty to not spend money, I just don't see that becoming a reality.

Does that make me dream less, or spend less?
Well it makes me spend less, but I still dream big. I always have. And I always will.

So with my head up in the clouds I am spending $50M.

On imaginary yachts and cocktails.

For scientists to remove calories from all food types.

To fix world poverty. And repair all broken things.

On a holiday. And a new level on our house.

I live with my head in the clouds most days. It's nice up here ;)

What would you have bought if you won $50M last night?

Would you own Google? Go buy a new car? Quit your job?


  1. Apparently nooone won, so 70million on Tuesday! get a ticket !

    And If you win buy my a new computer because I told you about it! and because I'm your sister and you love me : P

    1. Deal!

      I'll buy you a new computer AND a kitchen aid. We could match!

      Must buy a ticket... can't forget!! xx

  2. Oh, wow. The possibilities are END-LESS!!

    I would buy a home - despite it being at the end of my {current} list of things to do. The thought of owing hundreds of thousands of dollars to a corporation, most of which being chewed up in lousy interest? NO, thank you. Alas, if I were to win lotto, I would purchase a big home, CASH!

    From there I would buy me my brand new BMW X5.

    And then travel. And travel. And travel some more.

    Easily pleased.

    Oh, and buy YOU a kitchenaid! Because I know if I buy you one, you HAVE TO buy me one! ;) ;)


Thanks for commenting <3