Monday, January 30, 2012

6 Years Ago...

I'd like to introduce a very special little man in my life; his name is Logan and today he is 6 years old. The day he was born, I became a mother. I was no longer just "Megan", I was someone's mum and was responsible for this little person's life forever. I couldn't have asked for an easier baby to ease me into Motherhood... minus a couple of scary experiences in the early days.

Everyone adores him. He's the sort of kid that is always laughing and always smiling, he's the epitome of happiness. He always wants to help and be a part of the action; I have to remind myself sometimes that he's only "6", "5", etc. He's a kid, but he's a very old soul at times.

I love him. For showing me how to have fun, how to laugh, how to be patient and most importantly how to love life. Kids have a funny way of making you appreciate the little things in life, to stop and look at the funny pictures in the clouds, to pick a flower, pick up a ladybug... so many simple little things that put a smile on your face, all the while creating some beautiful memories.

These 6 years haven't been without their challenges, but kids are perfect with their imperfections; that's part of being a kid. The tantrums, tears, phone calls from the school (yes, already!) and let's not forget the attitude! But deep down inside, there's no malice... he's not the sort of kid to deliberately be naughty, he's far too busy trying to please everyone and make everyone laugh.

So Happy Birthday my little man. A great 6 years so far, and many, many more to come.

What an amazing son I have, and what a lucky mother I am to have you xxx

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