Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cheers to the Freaking Weekend...

Firstly I have to thank Jess over @ CocoandArchie for the heading idea which I stole (sorry hun!) I was trying to think of something that summed up how I felt about the weekend just gone, and I stumbled upon her blog today (thanks to Instagr.am for our connection!) and viola!

This weekend was supposed to be efficient. It wasn't.

After 7-months of Maternity Leave, I am returning to work part-time as of Thursday. Just 2 days a week; enough to earn me some much needed money, but it also allows me to get back out there in the adult world, away from the poo, puke and crying. I'm going to miss it though...

This last weekend was thrown out the window when Ryder (5-months old) came down with a fever on Friday night. I got about 2 hours sleep. It was his first fever so I was up, checking his temperature every 5 minutes, worrying, checking it again, trying to get some fluid into him. He was fine. His temperature was a bit high, but he was never lethargic, he just got a bit unsettled and fell asleep a bit later than usual, but I couldn't sleep.

Saturday night was my turn, but this time I didn't have a fever, I had gastro. Oh my goodness. So there goes any chance of a nice, relaxing Saturday night at home with hubby. And any chance of a catch up of missed sleep from the night before.

Sunday was spent trying to recover and regain energy. It was the eve of Logan's 6th Birthday, and also the eve of his first day at school for 2012, so I had a lot to do. Housework, cleaning, uniform sorting, not to forget my immediate family coming over for dinner to celebrate the upcoming birthday. Luckily I didn't have to cook. I had just enough energy to order the pizza, hold conversation and that's about it.

By Monday, the gastro bug hit hubby and my mother. Hubby came home from work before lunch and spent the remainder of the day in bed.

So I am sitting here, it's Tuesday morning and my house is a mess. I am procrastinating. What a crappy, crappy weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you were 'inspired' by my blog title - I thought they were the perfect words to sum up my weekend, and it sounds like they were very suited to your weekend too! But OMG, I have NOTHING on you Megs! Your weekend sounds FAR worse than mine - gastro, sick baby, back to school organisation, returning to work, no sleep...how do you do it all!? You are a trooper and I hope your week (and next weekend) is better than the last!
    Love your blog BTW, and your Jan photo-a-day recap boards are seriously fabulous! Can't wait to start Feb Challenge tomorrow!
    Jess xo


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